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Twokin Consulting: Unusual college major in Automotive Restoration Technology

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

Logo for McPherson College which offers the automotive restoration technology degree on Twokin Consulting blog post

McPherson College in Kansas has found success in offering a Bachelor of Science degree in Automotive Restoration Technology. It is the only program of its type in the United States. The program focuses on preparing students for the restoration of valuable, classic, and antique automobiles built from 1886 to 1970. With five emphasis areas, it provides opportunities for a student to explore automotive history, communication, design, technology, and business.

As highlighted by Jon Marcus in an article for the Hechinger Report, “Nearly twice as many apply to the automotive restoration program as can get in, and between 97 and 100 percent of graduates in each of the last three years have landed jobs in the industry.”

The program was established in 1976 and was re-energized through external interest in providing scholarships. Unlike a bachelor degree in business management offered by thousands of colleges, Twokin Consulting as seen niche academic programs allow a school to distinguish itself to students.

Twokin Consulting can support a school in completing an academic program assessment for a new opportunity.

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